Digital Humanities Project Wins Prestigious NEH Grant

August 2, 2017

A project directed by Professor of English Suzanne Churchill has been awarded nearly $75,000 in funding through a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The award for "Mina Loy: Navigating the Avant-Garde" was among more than $39.3 million in grants allotted for 245 humanities projects across the country.

Churchill, with co-principal investigators Susan Rosenbaum (University of Georgia) and Linda Kinnahan (Duquesne University), will develop a scholarly website that charts the career of the 20th century writer and artist Mina Loy.

"We are tremendously honored and excited to receive this grant from NEH, which will allow us to shed new light on Mina Loy," Churchill said. "Our project is itself an avant-garde intervention in humanities scholarship, using open-access digital tools and platforms to challenge conventional formulations of the avant-garde that have excluded women and people of color, and to transform traditional processes of humanities scholarship in order to involve students in the production of original research and publish our findings in a publicly accessible, interactive online environment."

Churchill said the project will break new ground, with its emphasis on design and collaboration among students, staff and faculty at three distinct institutions.

This round of funding, NEH's third and last for fiscal year 2017, will support vital research, education and public programs in the humanities. These peer-reviewed grants were awarded in addition to $46.1 million in annual operating support provided to the national network of state and local humanities councils during fiscal year 2017.

"NEH grants ensure that Americans around the country have the opportunity to engage with our shared cultural heritage," said NEH Acting Chairman Jon Parrish Peede. "From traveling exhibitions and teacher workshops to efforts to preserve local history, these projects demonstrate the power of the humanities to build connections, stimulate discovery, and contribute to vibrant communities."

More than $3 million went to grants for projects in the digital humanities advancement category. Collaborative research, public humanities projects, and scholarly editions and translations were among the other award categories.

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About the National Endowment for the Humanities

Created in 1965 as an independent federal agency, the supports research and learning in history, literature, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities by funding selected, peer-reviewed proposals from around the nation. Additional information about the National Endowment for the Humanities and its grant programs is available through their website.