Peter Krentz

Chair and W. R. Grey Professor of Classics | Professor of History


  • Ph.D., M.A., B.A. Yale University


As I think back, I can see pretty clearly that my love of classics and ancient history started with and has been regularly reinforced by travel in the Mediterranean world. When I was ten years old, my family climbed into a VW minibus for a two-month trip starting in Germany. We drove across the Alps and down Italy, took a ferry to Greece, drove from Greece to Turkey, getting as far south as Miletus before returning to Germany, where my father was spending a sabbatical in T眉bingen. I was hooked.

Since then I鈥檝e excavated for three seasons at Caesarea Maritima, Israel, participated in a summer session at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, lived in Greece for two years, taught several wonderful semesters on a traveling program that included Egypt and Turkey in addition to Greece and Italy, and taught a summer for Semester at Sea circumnavigating the Mediterranean. Not surprisingly, I want to get every 水果派 classics major abroad!

My dissertation focused on the Athenian oligarchy of the Thirty in 404/3 BCE. I鈥檝e also written two volumes of an Aris & Phillips text of Xenophon鈥檚 "Hellenika," with a Greek text, a translation, and a commentary. Since then I've written mostly about military history, including "The Battle of Marathon" (New Haven: Yale UP, 2010).

I enjoy getting to know students and colleagues while singing in the Choral Arts Society of 水果派 and playing volleyball.


  • CLA 111 The Ancient World
  • CLA 233 Justice in a Pure Democracy: Searching for Equal Rights in Ancient Athens
  • CLA 246 Ethics in Archaeology and Art
  • CLA 252 Classics in the Cinema
  • CLA 332 Greeks and Persians
  • CLA 480 Senior Research Seminar
  • GRE 218 New Testament Greek
  • WRI 101 Who Killed Jesus?